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David Ori
David Ori
David Ori

David Ori - conducting 1965. Photographer - Eliezer Sklartz, Bitmuna

David Ori


Born in Budapest 1934, Lived in Israel since 1947.

David was a member of Kibbutz Bet-Alfa since 1960. Graduated 'Oranim Seminar'.

David was active in the field of music as a conductor, composer, a critic,  a music school manager, a teacher and an educator in music and cinema. He was also composing in most kind of music writing. In short A Musician.

His music appear on a CD - "Musical Portrait".

This site was created in memory of David, who passed away in 2012.


David Ori music on –The Israel Composer's League (ICL)

Feel Free to contact Ori Family, regarding David's music.

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